Verse of the day: May 29

Psalm 103:17-18

"But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children— with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts."


Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

It is Finished

Romans 3:23-24

Stop and think: Upon believing in Jesus Christ's substitutionary death and bodily resurrection, the once-lost sinner is instantly, unconditionally, and permanently "declared 100 per cent righteous."

Anything less and we are not righteous...we're almost righteous.

If we are declared 99.9 per cent righteous, some verses of the Bible would have to be rewritten. Like Isaiah 1:18, which might then read: "'Come now, and let us reason together,' says the Lord, 'though your sins are as scarlet, they will be light pink.'"

Federal agriculture committee releases 10 recommendations to fight high food prices

The federal government's committee on agriculture and agri-food has released a new report recommending 10 different methods which they believe can help with high food prices.

The Committee says they held seven meetings on efforts to stabilize food prices between 4 December 2023 and 27 February 2024, with the report summarizing the evidence provided during these meetings.

They recommended the following:

Cattle sales show drop in prices across many categories

The most recent cattle market reports show that a lot of categories saw drops in prices.

The Manitoba weekly auction mart report showed that last week feeder steer prices fell, ranging from an average of $430.50 per cwt for the 401 to 500-pound weights to $316.50 per cwt for the 801 to 900-pound category.  The biggest drop of $26.83 per cwt came in the 501-600 weight category dropping to an average of $395.50 per cwt, with no category showing an increase in price.

Crop report shows Alberta receiving decent rains as seeding progresses

Alberta's fields have been sated over the week as rain has blanketed the province giving some much-needed moisture.

However, that's also led to seeding progress stalling thanks to that rain, with some farmers even reporting light snow and hail over the week.

In total, Alberta farmer's progress is around 25 per cent to 58 per cent complete. 

In terms of seeding progress of major crops, dry peas are pulling ahead with 82 per cent complete, while oats are at the back of the pack with 36 per cent complete.

Peace Wapiti Schools shine: top fundraisers honored by Terry Fox Foundation

Whispering Ridge Community School, La Glace School, and Clairmont Community School have reason to celebrate as they clinch spots on the prestigious Terry Fox Foundation's Top 50 Fundraisers of Alberta list.

Whispering Ridge Community School proudly claimed the top position in the elementary division, amassing an impressive sum of over $12,500. Not far behind, La Glace School and Clairmont Community School secured spots 24 and 25 respectively in the high school division, collectively raising over $10,000.

5-year-old out of hospital after horrific crash leaving church claims the lives of his parents and older siblings

A five-year-old boy is back home after a horrific collision claimed the lives of his parents and older siblings in Georgia. 

43-year-old Dakari and 35-year-old Erin Mason, along with their three boys, 14-year-old Brandon, six-year-old Titus and five-year-old Noah, were on their way home from a church function on Sunday, May 19, when the crash happened 

Woman praising God after birthing baby in car, says 'true testimony to God's faithfulness'

A Kentucky woman is giving all the glory to God after her son made a quick entrance into the world. 

On May 8, at 37 weeks pregnant, Brooke Canady woke up feeling sick. She decided to take the day off work. Shortly after waking she started having strong contractions only five minutes apart. 

After calling her doula for advice, Canady remembers calling her husband to let him know she needed to go to the hospital as soon as possible.