Samaritan's Purse Canada heading south to help U.S. town after dam burst

Samaritan's Purse Canada currently has a nine-vehicle convoy on its way from Calgary to Minnesota to help with the recent flooding disaster. 

"On the night of June 24, torrential rain caused a dam to collapse in southern Minnesota which led to flooding that devastated the town of, ironically, Waterville," says Frank King, the News Media Relations Manager of Samaritan’s Purse Canada and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada (BGEA). 

According to King, more than 170 families have been affected by the flooding. 

Lt.-Gen. Jennie Carignan named Canada's newest chief of the defence staff

The federal government says it is naming Lt.-Gen. Jennie Carignan as defence chief, making her the first woman to hold the Canadian Armed Forces' top job.

Carignan is currently the military's chief of professional conduct and culture, a job created in the wake of the sexual misconduct crisis. 

Several high-ranking leaders were forced to step down from their posts after they were accused of sexual misconduct in 2021, prompting a damning external report that called for culture change.

Church's grace shines through after Jesus statue vandalized

Police are still searching for the person who vandalized a statue of young Jesus outside of a Roman Catholic church in New York City.

Early Sunday morning surveillance footage showed a taxi driver get out of his cab at 5:30 a.m. and start using his shoe to hit a statue of Joseph, Mary, and young Jesus outside of Holy Family Roman Catholic Church in Flushing, Queens.

Trudeau missing Calgary Stampede this summer, his only absence outside COVID-19 years

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's summer campaign circuit will not include a stop at the Calgary Stampede.

The annual 10-day rodeo and festival is usually a must-do event for politicians and Trudeau hasn't missed a summer except for the COVID-19 years of 2020 and 2021.

But his office confirms there will be no pancake flipping, cowboy-hat tipping or crowd-hopping for the prime minister this year.

There was no immediate explanation provided for his absence.

The Stampede officially begins Friday with a parade and runs until July 14.

Sudanese pastors trained to respond to growing humanitarian crisis

Sudan is facing its worst humanitarian disaster in decades. Over half of Sudan’s 48 million people are in a food crisis while a civil war rages on.

Furthermore, aid experts say 755,000 Sudanese are on the brink of starvation. At least 14 areas of the country are near famine, including parts of the capital Khartoum.

Graduation thoughts

2 Timothy 3

You—or someone you know—may soon be graduating. I extend my congratulations! Whether you set new academic records or not, you finished. You saw it through. I commend you. Before that happens, however, let me give you four simple commandments that apply to anyone who is graduating. My thoughts grow out of the final four verses of 2 Timothy 3.

Cereals Canada is looking at the future: A new building for Gate ( the Global Agriculture Technology Exchange)

Cereals Canada is a key player in promoting Canadian grains to the world, and working with international customers through market support and programming.

Canada's cereal industry is reported to have annual exports valued at over $10.8 billion to over 80 countries.

For over 50 years, Cereals Canada has provided global customers with production information and training, playing a critical role in helping customers understand grain quality and functionality while addressing and expanding market access and opportunities.

Cereals Canada releas Annual Report for 2023

Cereals Canada has released its 2023 Annual Report highlighting the organization's work around market access, market support and development and technical achievements. 

CEO Dean Dias says the release of the report is an exciting time because the staff has done some incredible work in support of the cereals value chain. 

He says Cereals Canada is responsible for work relating to wheat, barley, and oats in a number of areas like market access.