Gallery: How native plants can help beautify your yard this Spring

With Spring now officially here, it's time to start thinking of ways to keep your yard looking fresh.

The best, and perhaps easiest, way of doing that is taking advantage of all the native plant species that the Fort Saskatchewan area has to offer. 

Susan Gronau with the Fort Saskatchewan naturalist society says the community has some very beautiful flowers to choose from. 

Two men who lost fingers crossing into Canada become Canadian citizens

Razak Iyal was given a warm embrace as he officially became a Canadian citizen, more than six years after nearly freezing to death  walking across the Canada-United States border in Manitoba.

It was a low-key citizenship ceremony but one steeped in hope, gratitude and assurance. 

Iyal, 40, was joined by a group of close friends as he logged on last week for the virtual event, which included dozens of others sitting in front of a judge to swear their allegiance to Canada. 

Cattle markets across the prairies see some positive movements

Manitoba's Cattle Marketing report shows feeder steer prices ranged from an average of $327.68 per cwt for the 401-500 pound category to $226.88 per cwt for the 901+ category. The biggest increase was $9.38 for the 601-700 pound weight category for an average of $297.50 per cwt. Feeder heifers ranged from $273.96 per cwt on average for the 401-500 pound weight category to $198.50 per cwt for the 901+ category.  The biggest increase in the feeder heifer market was $11.38 for the 901+ category for an average price of $198.50 per cwt.

New pedestrian bridge will be built near the Legends Golf Course

A new pedestrian bridge near the Legends Golf and Country Club is set to begin construction this summer. 

The bridge will be built on Township Road 540 and will cross the North Saskatchewan River to connect with Edmonton's northeast trail system. 

"[The Edmonton trails] are actually around the Quarry golf course," said Kristine Archibald, the executive director of the River Valley Alliance (RVA).  

Fort Saskatchewan astronaut might be first Canadian on the Moon

A local astronaut has the chance to be the first Canadian on the Moon.

Joshua Kutryk is one of four Canadian astronauts who have the chance to be on the Atermis II mission in May 2024.

Kutryk was born in Fort Saskatchewan where he attended St. John XXIII Catholic School before moving to Cold Lake to work with the Royal Canadian Air Force.

Back in 2017, he was chosen out of 3,772 applicants as one of the newest members of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). He graduated from the basic astronaut training course three years later in 2020.

Strathcona County passes a bylaw which includes fines for noise and littering

Strathcona County passed their new Community Standards Bylaw last week, but what does this mean for residents?

At last Tuesday's (Mar. 14) council meeting the bylaw was passed, which aims to better represent the county's overall approach to establishing clear standards of presentation and accountability.

This includes repealing three previous bylaws and incorporating them into this new bylaw, which serves as a comprehensive guide for neighbourhood disputes.

Scientists say climate change is endangering critical mountain water sources like the Canadian Rockies

Researchers are coming together with a focus to improve sustainability and manage mountain water sources. 

Scientists say climate change is endangering critical mountain water sources like the Canadian Rockies snowpacks and glaciers, with potential for dire implications.

Mountain water sources play a key role in everything from our drinking water, health and well-being to agriculture, food production, power and energy to industry and ecosystems.

What is causing the poor air quality in the region?

In a quick turn, the region has gone from experiencing sunny skies to smoggy streets in less than 24 hours, so what gives? 

On Sunday (Mar. 19) night a special air quality statement was put out for the region, warning residents of low-hanging pollutants that could cause sickness. 

As drivers started their morning commutes on Monday (Mar. 20) morning, the streets greeted them with hazy smog hanging right above their heads. 

Nadine Blaney with the Fort Air Partnership says this type of weather is common during this time of year.

U18 AAA Rangers announce new head coach

The U18 AAA Strike Group Rangers will have a new voice behind the bench next season. 

Last week it was announced that Mason Hawkes will take over as the team's head coach. 

Hawkes will replace Brett Cox, who is moving into a technical director role. 

"He did a great job with this team, but he decided to take on a new role," said Hawkes. "That opened up the U18 job for me, so I have some big shoes to fill but I'm excited about it."