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Canadian Cattle Young Leaders

The Canadian Cattle Association is looking for its next crop of individuals for the Canadian Cattle Young Leaders program.

Jessica Radau, the CCA's Youth Leadership Co-ordinator, says the overall objective is to use the program as a built in industry succession planning tool.

She says the program is designed for people 18 to 35 with an interest in any aspect of the cattle industry.

"We're taking young and upcoming leaders in the industry and pairing them with a mentor, and different opportunities for travel and networking to give them the tools and skills they need to continue to drive the growth of the Canadian beef industry for years to come."

She notes that while they see a number of beef producers come through the program, it's open to young people involved in all areas of the beef supply chain that have a passion and want to grow their careers in this space.

"Whether that's students, veterinarians, financial advisors, etc. So really room for all in this program, and we're excited to see the next crop of excited enthusiastic people ready to get their head start in the beef industry."

More information on the program and how to apply is available here.  The application deadline is March 31, 2023.

To hear Glenda-Lee's conversation with Jessica click on the link below.

Audio file