Beautiful fall weather coming to an end - Special Weather Statement issued

After an extended period of well above average temperatures for this time of year and daytime highs consistently 5 to 7 degrees warmer than usual over the past two weeks, a significant pattern change to colder temperatures and the first shot of accumulating snow may be coming this week for southern Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

The Beauty of God’s Holiness

Revelation 4:8

We live in a day of pitifully shallow concepts of God.

Some of today's contemporary Christian music leaves the impression that God is our buddy—a great pal to have in a pinch.... One pop song asks, "What if God were just a slob like us?" That is not the biblical view of God. That is man's feeble attempt to make God relevant.

Do you hear the cheap twang of such a concept of God? These small ideas of Him diminish the beauty of His holiness.

Richmound spells it out for Didulo and company with protest

The Village of Richmound has rallied its surrounding communities to come together last weekend with one message: they want Romana Didulo and her followers to leave.

On October 15, the Village invited folks from all across southwest Saskatchewan to come to their ballpark, adjacent to the former Richmound School. There, they organized a protest to encourage Didulo and her 'Kingdom of Canada' zealots to pack up and hit the road.

Hurried, Harried Homes?

Proverbs 27:23

What's the atmosphere like in your home these days?

Are you in danger of raising a "hurried child"?

Capture some time this week and take an honest look at the quality of childhood your family lifestyle is providing for your little ones. What will be memorable to your kids when they, as adults, look back on the early years? Will it all seem like a high-pressure blur to long breathless marathon? Have you allowed television to snatch up much of your children's unscheduled minutes...andhours?

Parent's Bill of Rights passes

On Friday, the Government of Saskatchewan officially announced they passed the "Parents' Bill of Rights" and invoked the notwithstanding clause of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The Government believes this works to protect the important role that parents and guardians have in supporting their children.