Northern Manitoba daycare destroyed in suspicious fire: RCMP

A community south of The Pas, Man., is now without a building for its daycare, leaving 20 children now in a temporary facility.

The Manitoba RCMP says in a release that emergency crews were called on October 18, 2023, at approximately 7:50 pm, to a structure fire at the daycare centre on Airport Road in Chemawawin Cree Nation.

Officers responded immediately and the local fire department was already on scene battling the blaze. It was quickly determined nobody was believed to be inside the building.

Beautiful in God’s Time

Ecclesiastes 3:11

Among Christians, a favourite verse of Scripture is Romans 8:28:

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

POLL: Transgender students' rights and the notwithstanding clause

Debate continues over the Saskatchewan government's intention to invoke the Notwithstanding Clause to push through the Parental Bill of Rights, which would require parents' or guardians' permission for transgender or nonbinary students younger than 16 wishing to use different names or pronouns at school.

Student walkouts happened Tuesday in Regina in protest of the proposed law.

God’s Truth Incarnated

Proverbs 6:23

The tyranny of the urgent will always out-shout the essential nature of the important...if we let it. 

We have to determine not to let that happen. The secret is establishing personal priorities. I have suggested four:

Stats Canada: Saskatchewan continues to lead the nation

Saskatchewan’s wholesale trade is leading the nation according to Statistics Canada. Today’s numbers indicate the province was first in month-to-month growth in Canada for wholesale trade.

“Saskatchewan continues to have the food, fuel and fertilizer our growing world needs,” Trade and Export Development Minister Jeremy Harrison said in a release. “Wholesale trade is another key component to our thriving economy. This work allows us to continue building and protecting the province’s economic future and make us the best place to live, work and raise a family.”