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India is extending the timeline for duty-free imports of yellow peas.

Initially, India implemented a 50 per cent duty on yellow peas in November of 2017.

In December 2023, it announced a temporary duty-free import period ending in March 2024.

Last week, India announced that they would extend that duty-free period to the end of April.

Jeff English, the vice president of marketing and communications for Pulse Canada, says it's good to see the extension in place.

"Canada is a long-time supplier to that market.  I know the trade really appreciates seeing that market open for a time. Obviously, as we look long term, any elements of predictability and stability that could be put into government policies run by India would be appreciated. But for the meantime, a bit of movement is good news."

Representatives of Pulse Canada were over in India earlier this month for the Global Pulse Confederation Annual Meeting.

English says it was a great opportunity to meet face-to-face with our Indian customers and counterparts to advocate for the issues which are important to the Western Canadian pulse growers.

"In particular, as I mentioned around predictability and stability of supply and specifically in terms of the importance of that market to Canadian lentil growers right now.  It remains our largest single export market for lentils."

He notes that India has been a very valuable customer of ours and will be well into the future.