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The Manitoba weekly auction mart report for last week shows feeder steer prices dropped ranging from an average of $442.50  per cwt for the 401 to 500 pound weights to $314.25 per cwt for the 801 to 900 pound category.  The biggest drop $11.93 per cwt came in the 501 to 600 weight category dropping to an average of $413.25 per cwt, the biggest increase $7.65 per cwt was in the 900+ category up $7.65 for an average of $276.56.

Heifer prices ranged from an average price of $375.06 per cwt for the 401 to 500 pound range to an average of $256.25 per cwt for the 901+ category which had the biggest increase at $9.38 per cwt, while the biggest drop $17.51 was reported in the 401to 500 pound range.

Saskatchewan steer prices ranged from an average of $398  per cwt for the 600 to 700 pound weights down to $357 per cwt for the 700 to 800 pound category. The biggest price increase $9.37 was in the 600 to 700 pound feeder steers, no available prices were for the 300 to 600 pound weights or the 800 to 900+ range,

Feeder heifer prices were mixed, but mostly higher, compared to the previous week of April 12. Average available prices ranged from $380.83 per cwt for the 500 to 600 pound weight category, down to $285.59 per cwt in the 800+ pound category. 

The Canfax price for Alberta fed steers was $256.49 per cwt a price increase of $6.02  per cwt from the previous week, setting a record high for the second week in a row.

Looking at slaughter prices in Manitoba D1-D2 cows averaged $159.13 per cwt, D3's averaged $135.50 per cwt, and slaughter bull prices increased $6.91 for the week with an average price of $190.48

Alberta D2 cows were up $5.27 per cwt for an average of $179.81 per cwt, while D3's averaged of $162.29 per cwt.

The Lethbridge barley price was $291 per tonne last week, down from the $296.50 the previous week and down from the $416.50 per tonne for the week of April 21, 2023.
U.S. Corn prices for last week  - Iowa State average was $235.97 Canadian  per tonne, while Omaha corn averaged $242.46 Canadian per tonne.