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soybeans growing in a field (Photo Soy Canada)
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Photo supplied by Soy Canada

Over the last few years, we've seen a growing interest in Soybeans in the Prairies.

Soy Canada Executive Director Brian Innes says it's an industry that has been growing over time.

"A number of years ago it was centered in southern Ontario; now it's grown to be right across the country from the Atlantic Ocean to the Rocky Mountains. There's been a lot of significant growth in the prairies over the last 10 years. And it's fitting that this week, we're holding our 10th anniversary in Manitoba."

Last year, Soybean production in the prairies hit 1.6 million acres, mainly in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, with some acres grown under irrigation in Alberta.

Innis says a few years ago when (southeast) Saskatchewan was quite wet, we saw more soybean acres there. This year has been a tough spring for some farmers in Manitoba with lots of moisture, which has been challenging for seeding operations.

"We've heard from producers they're really excited about growing soybeans. Soybeans are a crop that really thrive with heat and moisture and especially moisture being important to getting yields that make growers happy and profitable."

We are starting to see more soybean varieties that are better suited for short growing seasons and are more tolerant to the growing conditions of the Prairies.

He notes some farmers in Manitoba have started showing more interest in growing food-grade soybeans.

Soy Canada is holding its Annual General Meeting Today at Sirki Farms in Dauphin, Manitoba.

To hear Glenda-Lee's conversation with Soy Canada Executive Director Brian Innes click on the link below.

Audio file