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With the summer days becoming shorter, harvest time is almost here.  

A wet June, followed by a hot and dry July was mostly positive for local farmers according to Local Crop Extension Specialist Ashley Kaminski, but there were also some issues.  

“We’re very grateful for the moisture that we’ve had this year and honestly crops are looking pretty good, considering what we’ve had for the last few years.” 

She also noted there has been more lodging in cereals due to heavy rain this year. 

Kaminski noted there have been more leaf diseases than in the past. She said this was due to the high temperature and humidity.  

When it comes to pulses, Kaminski explained that they are behind this year as compared to last year,  

Some parts of southern Saskatchewan have already begun their harvest, but it will likely be a couple of more weeks until the harvest season is in full swing around the Humboldt area. 

She has heard a little bit of combining pulses, around the Watrous area. She said within the next week we could see some fall rye coming off along with pulses coming off in the next week or two.  

Kaminski added that harvest will likely be delayed compared to last year, with more combining beginning later this month.  

Throughout the harvest season, Kaminski urges everyone to stay safe, and to keep their eyes on the road for combines and other farm machinery that may be on the road.  

For more information of the East Central region in the latest Crop Report, you can click here. https://dashboard.saskatchewan.ca/agriculture?region=East%20Central

For the Northeast region, you can click here https://dashboard.saskatchewan.ca/agriculture?region=North%20East

Author Alias