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A reminder for livestock producers the deadline to purchase calf price insurance is Thursday, June 8th.

The Livestock Price Insurance Program is a risk-management tool that gives producers the opportunity to purchase price protection on cattle and hogs. 

The program is available in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba and provides producers with protection against an unexpected drop in prices over a defined period of time.

Saskatchewan's Livestock Price Insurance Co-ordinator Jodi Griffin says they've seen a resurgence in the program.

"The reason why is you know the markets were in tough shape. You know,  that wasn't just a price insurance thing, that was just what was happening in the industry. Obviously, we were seeing coverage that was repressed, you know pulled back. And premiums were pretty high because the times were so volatile."

She notes right now there's a good opportunity for producers to protect some good margins, and some good profitability. 

The Livestock Price Insurance Program is available through Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation, Saskatchewan Crop Insurance and in Alberta through the Agriculture Financial Services Corporation.