Local author to launch book tonight in Rimbey

A local author, Myrna Pearman will be launching her new book tonight (Friday, April 26th) at The Rimbey Library.

The book titled, Beauty Everywhere: Volume II is a sequel to Beauty Everywhere (2016). It celebrates the diversity and beauty of Central Alberta and beyond. Myrna will share stories while taking about her love of photography and fascinating details about the amazing but often underappreciated creatures we share this planet with.

Channel your inner Mrs. Roper for a great cause this Saturday

For anyone who watched T.V. in the 70's/80's it's hard not to remember Mrs. Roper from the hit sitcom "Three's Company". Mrs. Roper along with her husband Stanley were the caretakers and  key characters in the show.

Now you have a chance to channel your inner Mrs. Roper with a fundraiser called the Sylvan Lake's Mrs. Roper's Romp on Saturday (April 27).

Annette Brown the organizer of the event talks about how it came about. 

Penhold Tax Bylaw passed - 2024 municipal tax rates are set

On Monday April 22, 2024 Council passed Bylaw 823/2024 Tax Rate and Minimum Tax Rate Bylaw which set the Town of Penhold's Municipal Tax Rates for 2024.

Mayor Mike Yargeau, “We are proud of Administration and their efforts to continuously work towards providing the same high level of services, while ensuring infrastructure is maintained, with only a minimal municipal tax increase, despite ongoing cost increases. Further to that we have kept the increase at less than half of the national average rate of inflation”

Canadian Foodgrains Bank benefits from Viterra partnership

For the ninth year, Viterra is partnering with the Canadian Foodgrains Bank to help end world hunger.

Viterra will provide 267 acres of land around five terminals in Alberta and Saskatchewan to the Foodgrains Bank.

Alberta sites include Lethbridge, and Trochu, with Saskatchewan sites including Balgonie, Grenfell, and Raymore.

Red Deer and Sylvan fire departments urging extreme caution with fires

Both Sylvan Lake and Red Fire are asking residents to exercise extra caution due to the dry and windy conditions across Central Alberta.

Although there are no fire bans at this time, please be careful and keep informed on the latest fire ban status information here.

With wind, warm temperatures and no precipitation forecasted next week, the dry conditions are likely to worsen. The City of Red Deer will not be issuing burn permits as a result of these conditions.