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Chickens - poultry barn - 1 (CFAM)

"The fix is in" That's how Senator David Wells described the actions in the Senate yesterday calling it "a shameful day for our Chamber".

During the third reading of Bill C-234, the final stage before the bill moves to Royal Assent, debate on the Bill was abruptly adjourned.

Ontario Senator Lucie Moncion tabled an amendment similar to an earlier amendment that was voted down by the Senate. 

After that came a call to close the debate.

Manitoba Senator Don Plett called a point of order saying the move was " very rare and very unfair ".

Wells points out that while a number of Senators were on their feet ready to speak to what he described as a " frivolous amendment " the Speaker shut down the debate.

Following that, Senators voted 29 to 24 to adjourn the debate until the next sitting on November

In his public feed on X, Wells noted he feels this will be procedurally delayed until the four new Trudeau appointed Senators have been sworn in.