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Marit says approximately $1.8 billion was paid in crop insurance for Saskatchewan this year.

2023 was a tough year for some producers, though few areas saw the variety that Saskatchewan did when it came to conditions.

The province saw an eastern half with a good amount of moisture and a western half that was thrust into a drought.

Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister David Marit talked about what they did to help producers.

"I feel pretty good as a government that we were there for the producers, I'm quite comfortable with our crop insurance program that is going to obviously help the grain and oil seed producers as well. So when you look at that side of it and how we came to the table for the livestock sector, I think it's a good way that we could help alleviate some of the pressure they had."

"But then you look at the other parts of the province and we had record yields, so there sure was a combination. It just tells you the vastness of this province and how big it is. 40 million acres is a lot of cultivated farmland, and I've had the privilege of driving across this province over the fall over the harvest and riding with farmers as well, on combines, and saw some very good crops and obviously in my constituency drove through some horrific crops as well, so it was sure a mixed bag that way but for all in all, I feel as the Ministry of Agriculture our supports came through for the agriculture sector here in the province of Saskatchewan."

Marit commended the staff who work with producers on those programs, noting that the payout for crop insurance this year could be around $1.8 billion. 

He sees a good future for Saskatchewan as the domestic market for farmers expands.

"When you look at the population growth and what's happening here, I think it's an opportunity when you're seeing value-added processing grow here in the province Saskatchewan the way it has, I think that's telling probably one of the best stories ever because these are big companies making big financial commitments to build facilities here in the province of Saskatchewan."

"Obviously they know full well this is the product that they want to sell globally. They know they have access to it and I think as a government we put a pretty good package together that allows for value-added expansion. That's something we've always been wanting to do. We will continue to do that and hopefully, we'll see even more growth in the value-added sector here in Saskatchewan." 

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