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Ron Kostyshyn Ag minister
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Ron Koshtyshyn says they're looking forward to working with producers in 2024.

This year farmers were tested with tough conditions that ranged from a drought out west to challenging financial issues.

In Manitoba, crops were a bit wetter but those costs still played a part in the industry.

Manitoba Agriculture Minister Ron Kostyshyn says the area did alright over 2023.

"I think overall the harvest yields were average maybe some places below average and above average. But theoretically, from my sources of information, it sounds like the crop sector is doing relatively well depending on the commodity prices that seem to fluctuate, which is normal for this time of the year."

"The challenge has always been is that the prices remain high and and have to simply because our commodity, our input costs continue to rise. So in defence of the agriculture side on the grain, input cost wise we have minimum control of that so we're trying to work within that."

"As far as the beef sector goes, I think we've got historical prices, and that I know for sure after spending forty years in the cattle industry, definitely it's warranted. The input costs as well in the beef sector have its challenges but prices are rewarding. We're still hoping that we maintain cattle numbers. 

Kostyshyn hopes other positive prices will be seen in the hog and vegetable industries. 

He says that working with the federal government has gone well so far this year.

"One of the great things about working with the federal government is that we have insurance programs and support programs in the best of disasters, whether it's AGstability or AGinvest and not taking it for granted that those programs are 100%, but definitely we continue to work with the federal government to make improvements that especially when you have input costs continue to rise."

In the Manitoba NDP's first year back in power, Kostyshyn says that producers can have faith that they'll be there to help.

"To the producers of all sectors directly or indirectly involved in agriculture, I just want to say that we as a government and Premier Wab Kinew have been committed to helping out rural producers in the province of Manitoba and we've got such a strong team and we want to continue working on that focus."

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