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The Canola Council of Canada (CCC) is pleased to see the release of the unofficial final Clean Fuel Regulations (CFR) and its recognition of canola’s potential to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as a low carbon feedstock for biofuels.
The CFR provides options that would allow Canadian grown crops to be fully accepted as sustainable and compliant with land use and biodiversity criteria. It also recognizes regenerative farm practices such as no-till and minimal till, contributing to canola’s low carbon intensity and feedstock of choice in biofuel production.
“We’re pleased to see the CFR provides options that would minimize regulatory burden and allow canola to be used to reduce GHG emissions through biofuel production,” says Jim Everson, president of the CCC. “Recognition of the sustainable production practices of Canadian growers that help sequester and store carbon such as no- and minimal till are critical components to support canola as the preferred biofuels feedstock to deliver GHG emission reductions for Canada.”   
A growing biofuel market in Canada and strong global demand for canola in food, feed and low carbon fuel applications is also supporting value-added investments in Canada. Since 2021, approximately $2 billion of expanded canola processing capacity has been announced, creating jobs and economic opportunity.
“Alongside the environmental benefits, using more canola here in Canada is a key opportunity to increase value-added processing and diversify our markets, increasing value to growers and the entire industry,” added Everson.
Transportation accounts for approximately 25 per cent of total GHG emissions produced in Canada. The CFR is wide-ranging, mandating that fuel suppliers in Canada lower the carbon intensity of fossil fuels by 15 per cent by 2030, and using biofuels is one pathway to achieve compliance.

The official publication of the CFR is scheduled for July 6, 2022, with implementation on July 1, 2023.