Viterra puts forward a new Final Offer to avoid a strike

Viterra has put forward a new Final Offer to the bargaining committee of the Grain and General Services Union.

The offer came in last night following extensive negotiations.

The two sides spent the last two days meeting with a federal mediator.

Viterra's first Final Offer was rejected by GSU members in November (2023).

The elected officers for GSU Locals 1 and 2 are currently reviewing the offer.

The GSU served its 72-hour strike notice on Tuesday and would be in a position to walk out this afternoon.

Forty years after being convicted, two New Brunswick men exonerated in 1983 killing

Two New Brunswick men who were acquitted Thursday of a 1983 murder for which they served lengthy prison sentences said they were worried they wouldn't live to see their names cleared.

Robert Mailman, 76, and Walter Gillespie, 81, were convicted in 1984 of second-degree murder and received life sentences in the killing of George Gilman Leeman in Saint John, N.B. An appeal was dismissed in 1988.

Prayer Is Private Devotion

Prayer is never something we do to be seen. It loses its whole purpose if it becomes a platform to impress others. 

It is a private act of devotion, not a public demonstration of piety. According to Jesus, it belongs in the closet of our lives, an act done in secret.

Christ never saw prayer as pleading or begging or hammering away at the throne of God. 

No, the Father knows His children, He knows what we need. Therefore, there is no reason to think that connecting with Him requires special words excessively repeated.

ASKO Holding acquires majority shares of Buhler Industries

Another key change in Canada's Agricultural Manufacturing sector. 

As of December 28th, ASKO Holdings has officially acquired 96.7 per cent of the common shares for Winnipeg-based Buhler Industries.

In July of last year, Buhler known for its Versatile and Farm King brands started looking for a long-term investment partner.

Basak Traktör, a Turkish-based company,  and a division of ASKO Holdings has acquired all of the outstanding debt for Buhler in a deal worth $60.5 million Canadian.

Verse of the day: January 5

Isaiah 1:16-17

"Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow."


Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Grande Prairie Public Library hires new library Director

The Grande Prairie Public Library has named Hailey McCullough as its new Library Director.

McCullough, who has been with the Grande Prairie Public Library for six years as the Head of Adult Services, is looking forward to continuing to serve the community in her new role. “Grande Prairie is such an active and community-oriented city, and I look forward to continuing to help shape library services to meet the needs of residents as the Library Director.”

Enforcement Services and Mobile Outreach transition to Grande Prairie Police Service

As of January 1, 2024, City of Grande Prairie Enforcement Services and Mobile Outreach have transitioned under the Grande Prairie Police Service (GPPS).  

Bringing Enforcement Services and Mobile Outreach under the GPPS is one of the many steps in the transition to a municipal police service, taking a more cohesive approach to public safety and empowering employees as a unified, collaborative team committed to serving the community.  

Barlow says agriculture has a loot of untapped potential if government gets out of the way

The Conservative Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Agri-Food says the agriculture industry today has a lot of untapped potential.

John Barlow says things like the carbon tax and regulatory burden are holding agriculture back.

"When it comes to harmonization of regulations, we hear so many times that it's impossible to get new innovations commercialized here in Canada to get approvals. I just think it's a matter of in many cases just getting government out of the way, or government being a partner with agriculture rather than an adversary."

LISTEN: Katy Nichole kicks off 2024 with new single featuring Naomi Raine

Singer and songwriter Katy Nichole has released a new single.

The song, 'My God Can,' features 5x Grammy-winner Naomi Raine and is based on Philippians 4:13.

"I want to remind you that even when you don't feel strong, God is strong. His strength never fails," said Katy in a post on Instagram. "There is nothing impossible with God. He will go before you and exceed every expectation you've ever had."