Farm safety important to remember with harvest season around the corner

With harvest right around the corner, a flurry of activity is set to descend don't the southeast, with safety being a high priority during those busy days.

Producers will be moving crops and on the road a lot, meaning they'll need to keep an eye out for a number of possible safety issues.

Robin Anderson, the Director of Programs and Communications at the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association, says keeping safe is very important.

WATCH: Olympic gold medalist sings praise to Jesus during press conference

Yemisi Ogunleye may have won a gold medal at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, but she put Jesus front and centre on the podium.

The Nigerian-born, German shotputter won gold on Friday, August 9, 2024. It was Germany's first gold in the event in 28 years.

Ogunleye has been very open about her Christian faith in the past, sharing about how faith has helped her through setbacks like a serious knee injury. And, in the moments after her win, she put her faith on full display again.

Olympic gold medalist uses platform to glorify God

After winning her third Olympic gold medal, Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone used her platform to glorify God. 

When asked who she credits for her success, the American track star put God front and centre. 

"I credit all that I do to God," said McLaughlin-Levrone during a press conference after her win. "He's given me a gift. He's given me a drive. I just want to continue to improve upon myself. I have a platform, and I want to use it to glorify him."

Father of 10 releases new wholesome children's book

On a hunt to find new wholesome reading material for his children, a Saskatchewan resident decided to take things into his own hands. 

Jason Weening, podcaster, speaker and father of 10 kids between four months and 18 years old, decided to add author to his list of titles. 

"If you walk through any of the big bookstores and you go through the kid's or youth section, you find a lot of witches, vampires and horror teddy bears," said Weening. "I think we can do better than that for our kids. So, I thought maybe I could write something."

Verse of the day: August 12

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.


Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Peer pressure

1 Peter 2:20-24

Once a spider built a beautiful web in an old house. He kept it clean and shiny so that flies would visit it. The minute he got a "customer" he would clean up after him so the other flies would not get suspicious.

Then one day this fairly intelligent fly came buzzing by the clean spiderweb. Old man spider called out, "Come in and sit." But the fairly intelligent fly said, "No sir, I don't see other flies in your house, and I am not going in alone!"

Rwanda closes thousands of churches and mosques after claiming code violations

In a move that is widely seen as a major blow to religious freedom, the government of Rwanda has closed more than 4,000 houses of worship over the past month for various infractions that include operating in substandard structures, “unhygienic conditions,” not meeting noise pollution standards and not having formally trained preachers.

The 4,200 churches and mosques have been closed on orders from President Paul Kagame’s government in a resumption of the crackdown on religious groups that started in 2018.

Jasper's mayor says date when evacuees can return home will be announced Monday

Jasper's mayor says wildfire evacuees will learn Monday when they will be allowed to return home.

Richard Ireland told an online news conference on Saturday that details on the exact time of the announcement haven't been finalized, but news on the date when people will be permitted back into the town will be delivered by members of the unified command on Monday.

About 20,000 visitors to Jasper National Park and 5,000 town residents were forced out last month due to fires, and flames destroyed one-third of the town's buildings.