Shaun Loney believes new tool will decrease crime and homelessness in Winnipeg

Mayoral Candidate Shaun Loney is vying for a safe Winnipeg that is full of opportunity for everyone. 

"I was actually cleaning up a homeless camp near my home in Norwood and realized this woman had been living in a tree," says Shaun Loney, one of the mayoral candidates. "I thought, I don't think I can live with the regret of being 75 or 80 and looking back at my life and thinking, I was supposed to stand up there."

Loney has been working in the social enterprise sector with non-profit businesses in Winnipeg. 

Wiebe feeling energized for another term as Municipality of Rhineland Reeve

Don Wiebe is looking forward to serving another four years as Reeve for the Municipality of Rhineland. He was acclaimed to the post for a third term after no other candidates stepped forward during the nomination period.

"I believe in elections and there should be periodic elections, that's what our democratic system is designed for. But, I do feel honoured. Honoured to be in by acclamation and I will honour that in terms that it gives me a new sense of commitment and renewal. I feel more energized to continue the work of the Municipality," said Wiebe. 

Weiss eyes third term as La Broquerie Reeve

The Reeve for the Rural Municipality of La Broquerie is calling it an easy decision. Lewis Weiss is referring to the fact he is running for re-election.

"I had decided quite some time ago already, maybe two years ago," he says. "I just don't always let the cat out of the bag until the end."

Weiss is wrapping up his second term as Reeve, having served in that role the last eight years. He says he always wants to fight for lower taxes and admits he is a controversial person to have as head of council.

ELECTION 2022: Who is running for Mayor/Reeve in your area?

As potential mayors and reeves get ready to campaign for this October's election, some candidates have already been acclaimed.

Reeve Arnthor Jonasson of the Rural Municipality of West Interlake did not have any opposition and he will serve another term. In the RM of Macdonald, Reeve Brad Erb was acclaimed for the third straight election. In the RM of St. Francois Xavier, councillor Delmer Nott will be promoted to Reeve as he is not facing any competition.

You can see a list of some other communities here.

Janice Smith embracing new opportunity

The incoming mayor of Killarney-Turtle Mountain looks forward to working with her new council.

Janice Smith is a two term councillor and following the September 20th nomination deadline was the only person to submit papers to run for mayor of that municipality.

Smith considered a run for the mayor’s job about 18 months ago when a by-election was called after Rick Pauls stepped down. However she decided the timing wasn’t right.

Here are your Grande Prairie By-Election candidates

The City of Grande Prairie by-election is set for October 17.  

Candidates are currently in a campaign period, during this time residents may learn about each candidate prior to heading to the polls.

During the by-election, Grande Prairie residents elect 1 City Councillor for the remainder of the current 4-year term, ending in 2025.

Advance polls occur on October 8 and 15 between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. at the Teresa Sargent Hall in the Montrose Cultural Centre and Election Day is on October 17 between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. at various polling stations around the City.

Schroeder humbled to be named Altona's next mayor

Harv Schroeder is looking forward to his new role as Mayor for the Town of Altona. He was acclaimed to the top job last week after no other candidates stepped forward. 

"It's a humbling feeling that the ratepayers of this community have allowed me to be the Mayor, and I'm looking forward to a busy four years," said Schroeder. "It's an honour to be able to sit in that chair and see the town move forward."

He was asked if the weight of the role had hit him yet, three days after he was acclaimed.

Peters hopes to provide "new ideas", running for HSD school board

Steinbach resident Mark Peters is putting his name on the ballot for Hanover School Division’s Ward 3 in the upcoming municipal election.  

Peters works in mechanical engineering technology, “integrating systems from various vendors for an international corporation.” He also has experience working on a board and overseeing the finances of a church. 

Chamber bringing back city election forum

Who will you vote for in the October municipal election? If you don't know, the Portage and District Chamber of Commerce will help you out.

Next month, the Chamber will be hosting an election forum at Yellowquill School. Interim Chamber President Guy Moffat will be co-moderating the event along with Chris Tompkins. They have moderated the last few municipal forums.