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Federal, Provincial, and Territorial Agriculture ministers are meeting in Saskatoon this week.

The clock is ticking to finalize the next Ag Policy Framework with current programs set to expire March 31, 2023.

Federal Agriculture Minister Marie Claude Bibeau says the discussions are moving forward in the right direction.

"I'm hopeful that we will reach a consensus for the cost share portion of the new partnership agreement, in the way that will reach the objectives that we have jointly agreed to (in the Guelph Statement)."

Agriculture Minister, David Marit is Co-chair of the meeting and says they are not as close to an agreement as they were hoping for.

"We'll see what the Federal Minister puts on the table at the start of the meeting, and we'll take it from there.  I'm hopeful we'll come to an agreement. Obviously, all the provinces have some key issues and concerns and obviously, its the funding and the increased side of it. So we'll just see what the Federal Minister puts on the table at that time."

Marit says they want to see some increased funding.

"That's one thing we've asked for, in our strategic initiatives side of it and that's kind of where our goal is. Obviously, we want to make sure our Agri-Insurance policies all stay in place. "

He notes the one thing they are really focused on is making sure that agriculture remains competitive in the global market, and making sure that we have the proper policies in place that farmers and ranchers in this province and across this country can remain competitive globally."

Farm groups are watching the discussions and what comes from them very closely.

Darryl Fransoo, Chair of the Western Canadian Wheat Growers says it will be interesting to see if we get a deal done.

He's hoping the ministers hold tight when it comes to business risk management and tying it to all the environmental aspects the Feds want to jump in.

Fransoo thinks that'll really hurt our abilities to manage our risks when it's all said and done and he's hoping the Ag ministers in the West don't go along with that.

"Just because there's money on the table doesn't mean we have to take it right away. Let's make sure the deal is right for Western Canada and Western Canadian farmers.

Mary Robinson, President of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture says we need to see an increase in funding for the policy framework.

She notes that funding the funding envelope has remained stagnant for 20 years for the policy framework. 

"We cannot continue to see farmers being asked to do more with less, because as we see our cost going up, those numbers remain stagnant. It means that we do have less, and less, and less."

The Federal, Provincial and Territorial Agriculture Ministerial Conference wraps up on Friday.