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Fall colour on trees in the Cypress Hills

Farmers across the prairies are hoping for some good weather as they wrap up the harvest.

There's a wide variety of sources where people go for the weather. 

A popular source for many years has been the Old Farmer's Almanac, given its long range forecasts.

According to the Almanac the rest of this month we can expect it to be about a degree cooler than normal and ever so slightly wetter than normal.

Jack Burnett, the Managing Editor says October, should be three degrees warmer with about average precipitation, and then we get into winter.

"The winter in the prairies is looking to be colder than normal, precipitation greater than normal and snow about normal. perhaps a little bit less."

He says it should be a cold, normal winter for the prairies.

"We find that the eastern parts of the of the prairies, into Manitoba, the northern parts of Saskatchewan and Alberta will tend to be drier than western Manitoba, southern Saskatchewan and southern Alberta, which will be normal or slightly wetter."

The cold spells he expects to begin in the middle of November, and then run through the first week of December. 

According to the Old Farmer's Almanac November 15 to 19th is very cold; November 26 to 30th frigid and very cold and frigid from January 19 through the end of the month.

Snow is expected to hit the last week of November, middle of December, and the last week of December with snowstorm possibilities December 10 through the 13th, and January 19 through the 22nd. 

Burnett says we're calling it kind of a sneaky cold, it kind of goes up and down, but most of the up and down is in the front part or middle part of the winter.