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Manitoba has about 47 per cent of the crop in the bin, Saskatchewan's harvest is now 81 per cent complete, while Alberta's major crop harvest is now 76 to 88 per cent complete.

In Manitoba killing frosts arrived in much of the western side of the province on the morning of September 22nd and much of the rest province saw frost on September 27th. Some crop injury is expected in green canola and soybeans, but damage is expected to be relatively light.

Unharvested cereals have seen some bleaching and staining from recent wet weather, especially where they lie in swath. Quality downgrades are expected in the 
northern parts of the Eastern, Southwest and Interlake regions.  

 Some soybean crops in Manitoba may be harvested ahead of some cereals and canola this year as farms wait for grain moisture content to drop in those crops.

Light frosts have producers concerned over nitrates in their annual crop silage and greenfeed still standing, and are advised to feed test their annual crops for nitrates prior 
to feeding. (Manitoba Crop Report for week 39)

You can view Manitoba's Full Crop Report here.

Saskatchewan now has about 81 per cent of the crop in the bin.

The southwest now has 98 per cent of the crop is now in the bin, the west central is at 97 per cent, the southeast 74, the northwest 70, the northeast 69 and the east central 65 per cent complete.

The lentil and field pea harvest is virtually complete, 96 per cent of the durum is in, 94 per cent of chickpeas, 86 per cent of barley, 83 per cent of spring wheat and 66 per cent of canola is done, with an additional 26 per cent of canola ready to be swathed or straight-cut.

Rain was reported last week in northeast and southeast areas of the province, however, the western side of the province remains dry and have seen a further decline in topsoil moisture and water availability for livestock. 

Producers are reporting the situation is getting worse each week that they don't receive rain, and many have been hauling water all season long. Some are starting to bring cattle home, just due to the unsafe water that they have on their pastures. Some are even drilling new wells to find new water sources to replace those that have become unsafe or toxic for livestock to consume.

You can view Saskatchewan's Full Crop Report here.  

In Alberta, harvest of major crops across the province is now 88 per cent complete with the exception of the Peace region.

Spring wheat, barley and dry peas are nearing completion at 95, 95 and 99 per cent harvested respectively. Oats, at 86 per cent harvested, and canola at 75 per cent are the major crops with significant acreage left still standing or in the swath. 

Combining of canola increased from 54 per cent to 75 per cent complete now,  with an additional 14 per cent swathed. 

Only seven per cent of major crops in Alberta are now left standing, much lower than the 24 per cent five-year average. 

According to the report, many producers across the province have or will finish their harvest season earlier than long-term normal.

You can view Alberta's Full Crop Report here