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Seeding forages in the fall can be a good alternative to spring or summer seeding.

Range Management Specialist Paige Straf says timing is critical with dormant seeding.

"A good rule of thumb is to seed forages when the average daily air temperature are at five degrees Celsius or less. Ideally producers should target for soil temperatures that are less than two degrees Celsius."

She notes if you seed before the soil temperatures are low enough, seeds will take on moisture, can start to germinate, and can get killed off by the cold winter temperatures. 

Straf encourages producers looking at dormant seeding forages to increase seeding rates by 20-30 per cent, purchase good quality seed, and ask for a seed certificate to verify the content.

Alberta Agriculture has a Forage Seed Mixture Calculator.

The calculator has a wide variety of plant species on the list and will calculate a mix and estimate the seed density for drills or broadcast.

Producers are also reminded to check for any government programs that may be available to help cover costs. 

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