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Cereals Canada recently launched the latest edition of the National Wheat Research Priorities with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). 

The document provides a sharp vision and clear targets to guide research in the Canadian wheat industry for the next five years.

Krista Zuzak, Director of Crop Protection and Production with Cereals Canada says the reports focus on six main themes.

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She says wheat nutrition is a new priority it puts a focus on the importance of wheat - the original plant-based protein - in one’s diet.

The 2023-2028 National Wheat Research Priorities report was developed with over 70 researchers, industry and value chain members contributing to the six themes.

According to the report the National Wheat Research Priorities serves as a tool to communicate, and link market signals with industry opportunities and research goals and objectives, while still recognizing the importance of regional differences.  

Dean Dias, Chief Executive Officer of Cereals Canada says wheat is nutritious, sustainable, and a staple in diets around the world.

"Continued investments in wheat research by the value chain helps to increase farm gate profitability, competitiveness, and global and domestic food supplies."

She points out that more than 75 research projects were completed under the last set of priorities, which was released in 2020.

You can find the full report here.