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Stats show that one in four Canadians will experience a mental health problem at some point in their life. 

Over the years access to agriculture-related mental health support has been growing through organizations like Do More Agriculture (DMAF).

Executive Director Megz Reynolds says we have been as an industry, starting to talk more about mental health and starting to take steps forward with our mental health.

DMAF has a complete list of provincial and national contact information and resources for the agriculture sector available here.    

Once again, Do More Agriculture is running the community fund program thanks to a partnership with Farm Credit Canada and our other partners. 

"The focus of the Community Fund is really to bring mental health literacy and workshops into rural farming communities across Canada for free. So really working to bring mental health education and awareness to communities."

With this being the fourth year for the Community Fund they wanted to expand their workshop offerings.

In addition to ‘Talk Ask Listen’ DMAF is also offering  ‘In The Know’, ‘Mental Health First Aid", and ‘Suicide Awareness’ workshops. 

New this year will be a variety of online workshops open to all, and AgCulture, a mental health in agriculture literacy program for mental health professionals.  

Reynolds says four years ago mental health was still a relatively new conversation in agriculture.

“Collectively, we have taken strides in moving the needle, and as we continue to work together to decrease the stigma and build awareness and community, it is only natural that we evolve the Community Fund. This year DMAF’s focus is on supporting the industry as a whole. This means bringing mental health literacy and educational workshops to farming communities, hosting national webinars to bring Canadians in agriculture together, and bringing AgCulture to mental health clinicians across Canada to ensure an understanding and connection to agriculture."

Applications for the Do More Agriculture Foundation's Community Fund are now open to all rural agriculture communities across Canada.

Information on all available programs including the Community Fund can be found here.

You can hear Glenda-Lee's conversation with Do More Agriculture's Megz Reynolds in the link below.

Audio file