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Farm Credit Canada's Drive Away Hunger Campaign continues.

Carla Warnyca, FCC's Manager of Community Investment says the program basically brings Canada's agriculture and food industry together to share the food that is produced with those who need it the most. 

"So, it's really this cross-Canada effort to create partnerships between communities and donors to feed people in need and help increase food security in Canada. We're all hearing far too often, the rising cost of food is really making it difficult for people to put food on their tables. So the need to support local food banks and feeding programs is really stronger than ever."

She notes last year thanks to the people's generosity in the ag sector they were able to donate close to 36 million meals to food banks and feeding programs across the country.

Warnyca says whether it's food or cash or you just want to get involved, there are all sorts of ways you can help out. 

To find out more click here.