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Farmers have more time to send in this year's harvest samples.

The Canadian Grain Commission has extended the Harvest Sample Program to December 30, 2022, due to the late harvest in some areas of the prairies.

The CGC's Chief Commissioner Doug Chorney says they extended the program so that as many producers as possible can take part in the program.

"Having quality results in hand before they deliver their grain will help inform their marketing decisions, while helping us share Canadian crop quality with the world.”

Under the program, farmers send in crop samples and in turn receive a free unofficial grade and quality information.

The report also includes information on dockage, Falling Number, vomitoxin (DON), protein and oil content.

Also included this year, are dockage assessments for mustard, as well as canola.

The CGC also uses the harvest samples to generate crop quality data for marketers to use in promoting the sale of Canadian grain. 

Producers who are not currently registered for the program, but would like to participate have until December 12, 2022 to register online.