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Canola producers, agronomists and industry representatives are gathering in Saskatoon for Canola Week meetings.

The event kicked off Tuesday with the President of the Canola Council of Canada talking about how important innovation has been for the industry and will continue to be going forward. 

Jim Everson told the crowd that after weathering a couple of tough years we're seeing many promising signs of growing demand.

He says we continue to see growing demand for canola oil and a growing awareness of canola meal advantages as an animal feed ingredient.

"In addition to food and feed, we can add environmental solutions to our list of diversification opportunities. The market for low-carbon fuels to reduce GHG emissions is burgeoning, and canola is a great fit. Canola-based biofuels reduce lifecycle GHG emissions by up to 90%, compared to fossil fuels."

Everson says as a result canola-based bio-fuels are ideal for the transportation sector, which is one of the biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions.

"Renewable diesel and renewable jet fuel are chemically similar to petroleum. So they can fuel existing vehicles and aircraft up to 100% replacement."

He notes just last week the U.S. environmental protection agency delivered a final rule that renewable diesel, sustainable aviation fuel, and other biofuels made from canola oil will qualify as advanced biofuels under the U.S. renewable fuel standards program opening a pathway for canola oil into the big U.S. market.

Here at home Canada's clean fuel regulations recognized the sustainable farm practices used by canola growers and bodes well for canola to become a feedstock of choice for biofuel production in Canada.

Canola week meetings wrap up in Saskatoon on Thursday.