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Snow and bitterly cold temperatures are in the forecast across most of the prairies this week. 

With the drop in temperatures, livestock producers will be busy putting out more feed. 

Livestock and Feed Extension Specialist Adriane Good says it's important to bump up rations.

"In the cold weather, they need more heat to stay warm. They can produce their own heat through their rumen. So to help them do that, we're just going to add a little bit more energy in the feed. You can calculate exact numbers but just in general, about half a pound to a pound a grain for every five degrees below minus 20 should get you at least pretty close."

With the extreme cold it’s important that animals also have access to water, good bedding and shelter to get out of the wind. 

Producers should also make sure they have a solid mineral program in place as cows move through the winter with that growing fetus. 

It's noted that a good balance of calcium to phosphorus in the diet is about 2 to 1.

Research shows that calcium deficiency can result in abnormal bone growth and reduced milk production, while phosphorus deficiency is linked to poor reproductive performance.

Good points out it's important to make sure you have a good solid mineral program for those expectant cows.

"All of the macro minerals are minerals that we need in higher percentages. So, calcium and phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium or salt. Those are really important for muscle function and bone density, fetal growth and things like that. Then our trace minerals, some of the ones we're looking at selenium, cobalt is really important for energy metabolism because it makes vitamin B 12."