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Conservative Shadow Critic for Agriculture, Agri-Food and Food Security John Barlow says their leader Pierre Poilievre has been talking about that on an ongoing basis.

He notes we also need to see affordability for the ag sector, adding there's a great deal of optimism, but producers need to be able to reach that potential.

"In 2023, we need to reduce some of the red tape, some of the financial obstacles that are in the way. Everywhere from the carbon tax, fertilizer prices, and input costs, but also address, you know, pinch points within the supply chain. You know whether that's CFIA or labor struggles with the rail lines and port capacity.  There are some big challenges ahead of us.  And for us, we need to see Canada be the "can do" country again, not the can't country. Improving our infrastructure in the supply chain is going to a critical priority for us as Conservatives."

He says they'll continue to push the Liberals to put some serious resources and work into that.

"It's not just about making announcements, it's about actually getting things done."

Barlow says obviously they'll also continue to push on the carbon tax and ask for no increases come April 1st.

"That's simply going to make farming, and our farm families struggle even further, and we want them to be successful."

He adds in eastern Canada the fertilizer tariffs had a pretty big impact it was more than $35 million dollars.

"Now, because of pressure from ourselves and the farm families, the Liberals are saying well - maybe we need to give that money back to farmers. That would be a good step forward to see if we can get that done as well."

Barlow says with the challenges in the ag sector over the last few years we've seen the perseverance and resilience of our farm families and how dedicated they are.

Overall, Barlow is optimistic about what the future holds for agriculture.

"In many cases, we just need to get the government out of the way to allow Canadian agriculture to reach its full potential."