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document on FPT Ministers meeting

Federal, Provincial and Territorial Agriculture Ministers met virtually on Friday to discuss key areas of interest for Canada’s agricultural sector.

Ministers gave updates on their progress with the new Sustainable CAP program which is set to come into effect on April 1st.

They also discussed the remaining steps to implementation to ensure a smooth transition from the current program.

The Sustainable CAP is a shared FPT vision to position our agri-food producers, processors and others in the sector for continued success as world leaders in sustainable agriculture, and enhancing the competitiveness of the sector.

During, the discussion Ministers also discussed work on Canada's Grocery Code of Conduct, labour strategies,and activities around the prevention and preparedness for African Swine Fever.

A government release notes the meeting concluded with a round table where Ministers discussed other key areas.

This included the current state of the Avian Influenza outbreak and the need for coordination among government agencies. Ministers also discussed progress made on domestic trade issues, and initiatives related to the environment, transportation, Foot and Mouth Disease preparedness, the shortage and health of Canadian bees and the Pest Management Regulatory Agency re-evaluation process. FPT governments will continue to work collaboratively with industry on their respective roles and responsibilities.

Here is the Readout from the FPT Agriculture Ministers discussion.


The Ministers of Agriculture meet throughout the year to discuss areas of shared interest and collaboration, setting the stage for the Annual FPT Ministers’ meeting in July.