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Senators return to session this week.

Senator Robert Black, Chair of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Forestry says during the last session the committee held 29 meetings and heard from 115 witnesses on a variety of topics from legislation to special studies. 

The studies included looking at the impacts of the B.C. floods and work on a long-awaited new soil study.

He says the last soil study was done in 1984.

"My office is told that the 1984 Senate study on soil health and Canada is the most requested Senate study ever in the 156 years that the Senate has been in operation. So, that tells me that the old study the original study is important and I think going forward this study will be equally as valuable.

He notes climate change and carbon sequestration is part of the discussion.

"We've heard from expert witnesses, academia, professors and things like that. We're going to hear from primary producers from farmers and ranchers. We've heard from some organizations that are involved in the issues already. But I also want to hear from provincial governments across the country, because I think provincial governments, many are doing some good things already. Some are doing more, and some are doing less and I think we need to hear about that as well."

He's hopeful the report will be released later in 2024, but cautions its a long-term study.

To hear Glenda-Lee's conversation with Senator Black click on the link below.

Audio file