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It's back to work in Ottawa this week for M.P.'s.

John Barlow, the Conservative's shadow minister for agriculture and agri-ood says its good to be back, adding there's a lot of issues for the ag sector that need to be addressed. 

He says first and foremost is the impact of the carbon tax for producers citing a report that came out late last year looking at the Canadian Food Index.

"That showed that once the Liberals and the NDP coalition triples the carbon tax, it will cost a Canadian farm family, an average 5000 acre farm about $150,000 a year. We know that's unsustainable. That will put farmers out of business, we will start losing operations".

He notes we're already seeing that happen with Dr Sylvain Charlebois from Dalhousie University saying we are losing farms due to the carbon tax.

The Federal Carbon Tax is set to increase again on April 1, 2023.

This week, Bill C-234 - the private member's bill to exempt the carbon tax from on-farm propane and natural gas will go to third reading in the House of Commons on Thursday.

Barlow says it's important to see this legislation pass and move on to the Senate.

A poultry farmer in his riding showed him the natural gas bills for his operation which were over $20,000 a month.

He points out another big issue for farmers is going to be the PMRA's label changes for Lamda insecticide products - Matador and Silencer - which are used to control flea beetles in canola.

"That could have a very significant impact on our crops this year, certainly impact on our ability to import feed. The most frustrating part with this is the PMRA is making the decision on these label changes not based on any sound science or actually on the ground data but on models."

Barlow says there's no definitive proof that there's any detection or near-zero detection of residue on fields or in crops from these products.

Farmers and ranchers have also raised concerns over Bill C-21 and its impact to control pests and livestock predators.

"They are planning to ban hundreds of hunting rifles and shotguns. The worst part of this is it is such an overreach. And so misleading to say that taking away a hunter's rifle is somehow going to address the rapid increase in violent gun crime that we're seeing in the urban centers. We know that violent crime is up 32% across Canada. But no Canadian truly believes that taking away a hunter's rifle or a farmer's rifle is somehow going to resolve that problem. Because it's not."

Overall, Barlow says there's a lot of frustration in the ag sector today pointing to a Do More Ag survey on farmer mental health.

"For the first time, we've asked the question, What is the number one anxiety facing you as a producer? It wasn't the weather. It wasn't commodity prices. It was government policy and intervention. Farmers believe that the biggest threat to their success and to the health of the family farm is government policy."

Barlow says the Liberals don't see Agriculture as part of the solution, they see it as part of the problem.

To hear Glenda-Lee's conversation with MP John Barlow click on the link below

Audio file