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The latest Canfax report shows the number of cattle on feed in Saskatchewan and Alberta is down.

According to the report the number of cattle on feed as of February 1st was at 1,049,686 head down from the January 1st number of 1,087,813 head.

Last week 7,779 head of cattle went through Saskatchewan Auction Marts, that's down from the 9,400 head marketed during the same week last year.

Prices for Saskatchewan feeder steers and heifers last week were up from the previous week. 

Feeder steer prices ranged from $343.00 cwt for the 300-400 pound weight category, to $236.83 cwt for the 900+ category, while feeder heifer prices ranged from $278.50 cwt for the 300-400 pound animals to $214.75 cwt for the 800+ category.

Manitoba feeder steer prices saw an increase from the last report.  

Feeder steer prices showed an average price of $326.71cwt for 401 to 500-pound animals to $228.20 cwt for the 901 + weight category, feeder heifer prices ranged from $260.79 cwt for the 401-500 weight animals to $191 cwt for the 900+ weights.

The Canfax price for Alberta fed steers reported on February 24 was $198.31 cwt up $1.92 compared to the previous week.

Cow prices were up from the previous week with the price of D2 slaughter cows up $1.80 cwt to an average of $107.30 per cwt. 

The price of Alberta D3 slaughter cows was up $2.92 per cwt to average at $94.50 per cwt.