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CCA Executive Vice President Dennis Laycraft

The Canadian Cattle Association Executive Vice President Dennis Laycraft says they are close monitoring the proposed 'Product of USA' or 'Made in the USA' labelling program for meat, poultry and egg products. 

"When you look at what they're proposing, they've not only taken what were the elements in the mandatory Country of Origin Labelling rule, but they've expanded it to include processed in the US. Which would also affect some of our other exports down there."

Laycraft points out that if this is broadly adopted as a normal practice, you can actually get close to what you'd refer to as a defacto mandatory.

"So we're watching it closely and it certainly has the potential to lead to what was the main part of the case against the previous mandatory Country of Origin Labeling. The amount of segregation on imported livestock, and the burden that placed on either the people purchasing them or of course, those selling them."

He says it's going to be tough slugging to move this as the current administration is very similar to the administration that put the previous m-COOL rule in place.

"We do know we have strong allies in the US. The National Cattlemen's Association came out and really questioned why you'd bring back a policy - a failed policy - from the past. And the North American Meat Institute has come out, again likewise, indicated that with the level of integration in our market, going down this direction is again the wrong course for the government to take."

Laycraft notes that a prior WTO ruling that resulted in the U-S repealing the mandatory Country of Origin Labeling program gave Canada $1 billion in retaliation rights if they were to bring back a mandatory or defacto mandatory program.

To hear Glenda-Lee's conversation with  CCA Executive Vice President Dennis Laycraft click on the link below.

Audio file