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Total cattle marketings in Manitoba for March 3rd to the 9th show 11,018 head of cattle moved through the province's four main auction marts.

Feeder steer prices ranged from an average of $335.38 cwt for the 401 to 500 pound weight category to $220.94 for the 901+ category.

Feeder heifer prices ranged from an average of $270.94 cwt for the 401 to 500 pound weight category to $187.13 for the 901+ category.

D1-D2 cows in Manitoba increased $8.64 to average at $115.36 cwt, D3 slaughter cows increased $7.70 for an average of $98.00 cwt.

Canfax reported Saskatchewan feeder cattle volumes at 12,576 head sold over the last week.

Feeder steers ranged from $349.50 per cwt for the 300-400lb weight category to $236.00 per cwt for the 900+lb weight category.

Feeder heifer prices ranged from $300.88 per cwt for the 300-400lb weight category to $225.31 per cwt for the 800+lb weight category.

Alberta slaughter cow prices were up from the last report with D2 slaughter cow prices up $12.80 per cwt to average at $126.30 per cwt. D3 slaughter cows were up $6.70 per cwt for an average of $107.20 per cwt.

The Canfax price for Alberta fed steers reported on March 10 was $203.90 per cwt.  This was up $2.05 per cwt compared to the last report of $201.85 per cwt on March 3.

The March 1 Alberta/Saskatchewan Cattle on Feed report from Canfax reported 1.03 million cattle on feed which is 5 percent below a year ago.