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Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland delivered her 2023 Federal Budget on Tuesday.

Some of the highlights for the agriculture sector included:

- $57.5 million has been designated over five years for the creation of a Foot and Mouth Disease vaccine bank and to develop emergency response plans 

- $34.1 million over three years through the On-Farm Climate Action Fund has been earmarked for farmers in Eastern Canada that pay tariffs on fertilizer imported from Russia to support nitrogen management practices 

- Funding to increase the limit to interest-free loans under the Advance Payments Program from $250,000 to $350,000 for the 2023 program. 

- $333 million over 10 years for the dairy sector to support research into new products that use solids non-fat

- $85.1 million dollars over five years for the establishment of the Canada Water Security Agency which is to be located in Winnipeg.

- $184 million over three years is being allocated towards strengthening the Species At Risk Act. 

- There was also a reference to plans to launch consultations this summer on the right to repair and the interoperability of farm equipment.

You can view the 2023 Federal Budget here.