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combine unloading grain into a semi

The Wheat Growers Association says it was stunned to learn that striking federal workers had intentionally targeted the Cascadia Terminal in Vancouver - a major port for grain exports. 

However, before that grain can be exported, it needs to be inspected - that inspection is normally done by Canadian Grain Commission inspectors that are part of the PSAC Union.

Wheat Growers president, Gunter  Jochu m says it's time for the federal government to intervene.

"A strike is one thing, but to intentionally target a port that is critical to the lives of grain farmers and to the entire Canadian economy is the height of reckless irresponsibility."

Wheat Growers are calling on the federal government to immediately amend the Canada Grain Act to authorize third-party weighing and inspection of vessels leaving Canadian waters. 

APAS has joined the call for both sides to reach a mutual agreement as quickly as possible to avoid further supply-chain disruptions. 

APAS recently wrote to the Federal Ag Minister raising concerns about disruptions to the Canadian Grain Commission outward inspection and certification programs for grain exports. 

President Ian Boxall says our supply chain has not fully recovered from the impacts of COVID-19, and a prolonged labour disruption impacting exports will be a major blow to producers.

He notes delayed inspections will cause backlogs at ports adding that every day a ship must wait means demurrage charges to grain companies, and those costs always make their way to the farmer.