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semi unloading grain at terminal

Statistics Canada reporting total producer deliveries of major grains in the Prairies for the month of March was 6.1 million tonnes up from the 4.6 million tonnes moved in February.

Total wheat and durum deliveries in March hit 3.2 million, oats 249 thousand, barley at 484 thousand tonnes, rye was 20 thousand while flaxseed numbers hit 39 thousand tonnes.

Total canola deliveries were at  2 million tonnes.

March stats for canola seed crush totaled 922,944 tonnes, with 384,817 tonnes of oil and 545,922 tonnes of meal produced.

According to the report that's the largest crush in the last five months.

February numbers showed a crush of 812,001 tonnes with 336,866 tonnes of oil produced and 481,939 tonnes of meal.