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RME Right by You Ag Society Grant

Applications are now open for Rocky Mountain Equipment's Right by You Ag Society Grant. 

Through the program, four agricultural societies in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba will each receive $10,000 in funding to go towards eligible projects that enhance the lives of community residents.

RME notes that agricultural societies are an integral part of rural communities and provide opportunities to help strengthen and enhance the lives of those living there.

RME's Chief Sales and Operations Officer Jim Wood says through our support of agriculture societies, RME is investing in the long-term development and well-being of its expansive network of communities.

"The impact of agriculture societies in rural areas is deep-rooted, and their longevity is crucial to the communities that we serve. We’re proud to continue our support and grow together with the RME Right By You Ag Society Grant."

The application deadline is July 30th.

You'll find more information on previous recipients and how to apply here.