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The survey deadline for the Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council's (CAHRC) Labour Market Survey has been extended.

The goal of the survey is to identify labour shortage issues in the agriculture sector.

CAHRC’s Executive Director Jennifer Wright says the Canadian agriculture industry has been experiencing a growing labour shortage that is turning into a labour crisis.

"The update to this research will provide a measurement of what that labour shortage is currently and forecast what the future holds. This data is often used to inform policy, funding, training and education programs and labour market information assessments. The more participation we have in this survey the better the data will be.”

Farmers, ranchers, ag workers, and supporting stakeholder groups are encouraged to take part in the survey.

The survey was launched to evaluate the post-pandemic labour market situation in the agriculture industry.

CAHRC notes that the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated existing issues, such as labour shortages and other challenges, and it is crucial to understand the current market situation and the impact of the pandemic on the industry’s workforce.

The survey deadline has now been extended to May 7th.

More information on the survey is available here.