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Checking the prairie cattle marketing reports for last week ...

In Manitoba, the biggest rally was $8.88 per cwt in the 901+ category for an average price of $231.38 per cwt, while the biggest drop was in the 701 to 800-pound feeder steers which dropped $6.21 per cwt for an average price of $284.29 per cwt. The biggest increase for feeder heifers was in the 401 to 500-pound category which was up $3.32 per cwt for an average price of $303.00 per cwt, while the biggest drop was in the 701 to 800-pound category with heifers down 3.30 per cwt for an average price of $249.54 per cwt.  D1-D2 slaughter cows were up $6 per cwt for an average price of $137.21 per cwt, D3 slaughter cows were up $7.88 per cwt for an average price of $121.38.

Saskatchewan feeder steer prices were mostly higher last week.  The  400-500 pound steers were up $15.90 per cwt for an average price of $361.90 per cwt,  while the 900+lb weight category was up $5.62 per cwt for an average price of $250.50 per cwt. The 800-900 pound steers dropped $3.97 for an average price of $263.20 per cwt. Feeder heifer prices increased $3.25 per cwt for the 300-400 pound weight category for an average price of $327.75 per cwt, while the 800+ category increased $2.75 per cwt for an average price of $247.13 per cwt.

In Alberta, the Canfax price for Alberta fed steers reported on May 5 was $230.73 per cwt up $5.89 per cwt compared to the last reported price of $224.84 per cwt on April 28.   D2 slaughter cows increased $3.96 per cwt for an average of $150.21 per cwt, while the price of D3 slaughter cows was up $3.54 per cwt for an average price of $130.14 per cwt.  

The Lethbridge feed grain price for barley was down from $416.50 per tonne for the week ending April 28th,  to $414.50 per tonne for the week ending May 5th, that's compared to the 2022 price for the same week of $457 per tonne.

Iowa corn price for the week ending April 28th was $333.01 per tonne Canadian, compared to $336.70 per tonne Canadian for the week ending May 5th and $392.01 per tonne Canadian for the week of May 6, 2022.