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cattle moving through the auction mart

In Manitoba, feeder steer and heifer prices took a hit for the week ending May 12th.

The biggest drop for the feeder steers was in the 401 to 500 pound category down $9.54 for an average price of $347.00 per cwt, while the biggest gain was $2.66 in the 701-800 pound category for an average price of $286.95 per cwt.

Feeder heifer prices all took a hit last week with the biggest drop in the feeder heifers with 401 to 500 pound heifers dropping $10.96 for an average price of $292.04 per cwt. 

D1-D2 cows had a 54 cent increase for an average price of $137.75 per cwt, D3 cows were down $1 for an average weekly price of $120.38 per cwt, and slaughter bulls were down 29 cents for an average of $153.58 per cwt.

In Saskatchewan, feeder steer prices were mixed with prices ranging from $348.67 per cwt for the 300-400 pound category to $249.75 per cwt for the 900+ pound category.

The average weekly prices for feeder heifers ranged from $327.17 per cwt  for the 400-50 pound weight category to $248.15  per cwt for the 800+pound  category.

The Canfax price for Alberta fed steers on Friday was $231.45 per cwt that's up 72  cents from the previous week, with fed cattle prices continuing to establish record highs.

Alberta cow prices were mixed with D2 slaughter cows dropping  51 cents for an average of $149.70 per cwt, while the price of D3 slaughter cows was up $1.69 for an average $131.83 per cwt.. 

Canfax released its May 1 cattle-on-feed report on Friday, it shows cattle on-feed inventories dropped five per cent from April to May, which is one of the highest month-over-month declines on record.  

There were 966,117 Alberta/Saskatchewan cattle on feed on May 1 compared to 1,013,951 on April 1 which are 89 and 91 per cent of a year ago, respectively, and 96,968 cattle placed on feed in April.

** Producers are encouraged to check their provincial cattle marketing reports for the full details.