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Alberta is still dealing with 67 active wildfires. Saskatchewan has over 20,  while Wednesday morning Manitoba had five.

The wildfire situation has not only resulted in the evacuation of thousands of people, but livestock as well leaving producers struggling to try and relocate animals.

Brodie Haugan, Chair of the Alberta Beef Producers says you might not think of it,  but just like people livestock have to be evacuated.

In Alberta, he says they've seen around 40 agricultural societies and rodeo associations open their doors publicly to any operations that have been affected, as well as many auction markets.

He notes the agricultural community and neighbors, in general, have stepped up to help.

" We've heard countless numbers of stories both firsthand as well as online of operations that have opened their doors."

Haugan notes they don't have a hard number on the animals that have been displaced, as the priority has been helping to connect people and getting animals moved to safe areas.

Last week, Alberta announced that grazing disposition holders can accept livestock from other producers on their lease land to shelter displaced livestock without prior application.

They can also undertake supplemental feeding on lease land to help with sheltering displaced livestock. 

However, they must report it to the local rangeland agrologist within seven days.

The fires have impacted a significant number of grazing areas across the prairies, especially in Alberta where there's been a significant loss of infrastructure like fences and corrals.