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In Manitoba, feeder steer and heifer prices were mixed.

The 701 to 800-pound feeder steers saw an increase of $11.25 cwt for an average price of $282.50 cwt, while the 401 to 500-pounders dropped $5.50 cwt for an average price of $351 cwt.

Feeder heifer prices for the 401 to 500-pound animals were up $34 cwt for an average price of $317.50 cwt, while the largest price drop was $17.50 cwt for the 701-800 pound animals for an average price of $224 cwt. 

D1-D2 Cows ranged from $131.17 cwt to $150.83 cwt for an average price of $141 cwt an increase of $3.25 cwt from the previous week, while D3 slaughter cows were up 46 cents for an average price of $120.83 cwt.

Slaughter Bulls were up $3.29 cwt ranging from lows of $143.83 cwt, to top out at $ 169.92 cwt for an average price of $156.88 cwt.

In Saskatchewan, the number of cattle moving through the auction ring was down with seeding operations now in full swing.

 Overall, feed steer prices were mixed with prices ranging from $372 cwt for the 400-500lb category to $254 cwt for the 900+ lb weight category.

Feeder heifer prices were down ranging from  $319.25 cwt for the 400-500lb weight category to $248 cwt for the 800+lb weight category.

In Alberta, fed cattle prices have continued to establish record highs.

The Canfax price for Alberta fed steers reported on May 19 was $237.11 per cwt, up $5.66 per cwt compared to the previous week when they averaged $231.45 per cwt.

 The price of D2 slaughter cows dropped $1.87 cwt from the week prior for an average price of $147.83 per cwt, while the price of D3 slaughter cows was unchanged at an average of $131.90 cwt.

The rail price for non-fed cattle in Alberta ranged between $285.00-295.000 per cwt, up $5.00 on both ends from the previous week.