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wheat field turning before harvest

The Canadian Wheat Research Coalition Chair Jake Leguee says the Coalition is a collaboration between the Alberta Wheat Commission, Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission, and Manitoba Crop Alliance.

"The Canadian wheat research coalition is set up between the three organizations with a three-year hosting commitment. So, Sask Wheat hosted it for three years and then it flipped over to Alberta and now it's flipping over to Manitoba."

The Manitoba Crop Alliance will now look after the administrative functions, such as research funding coordination; communications activities, such as website updates and annual reports; and planning and coordination of CWRC’s annual general meeting.

As part of the change the research program manager for cereal crops with Manitoba Crop Alliance, Lori-Ann Kaminski has been named the new President of the Canadian Wheat Research Coalition.

Kaminski says the MCA strongly believes in the value of the collaborative approach to wheat research that the CWRC promotes and is proud to assume hosting duties for the organization over the next three years.

Leguee notes that the Coalition directs research into projects that will benefit producers.

"Such as variety development, agronomics, post-production, all of those sorts of things that help us get better genetics and better agronomic practices, and everything else that goes into growing and selling profitable wheat production on the prairies. While growing wheat in Western Canada ( we grow a lot of hard red spring wheat and a couple of other types) we might as well develop this research as a collaborative effort so that we can make sure that projects go forward benefit everybody and minimize duplication and administrative overhead."

To hear Glenda-Lee's conversation with Jake Leguee click on the link below.

Audio file