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Cooler weather and scattered rain showers have been helping as fire crews work to control the wildfire situation in the prairies.

Elizabeth Hucker, assistant vice-president of marketing and sales for bulk with CPKC says the railway hasn't been directly impacted adding they've been working with government agencies and provincial authorities.

"We actually transport fire retardant materials that are used to help firefighting in different locations in British Columbia and Alberta. We're actively and proactively monitoring those shipments to ensure that they arrive expeditiously at their destination."

She adds fires are a concern each year and it's something that they are actively monitoring across the CPKC network.

Right now, grain movement has slowed dramatically with spring seeding activities underway.

Railways have cars sidelined or on storage until movement picks up again.

Meantime, the grain sector is hoping to avoid a potential strike that could impact terminal operations at Viterra, Richardson, and Superior Elevator at Thunder Bay.

The grain handlers union had filed a strike notice earlier this month, which was later revoked as a federal mediator was brought in to oversee three days of discussions.

There was concerns that a strike could still happen on Saturday, May  27th but we received word on Friday night that once again a strike had been averted. 

The main sticking points for the 180 grain handlers focused on pensions and cost of living increases.

To hear Glenda-Lee's discussion with CPKC's Elizabeth Hucker click on the link below.

Audio file