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Canadian beef exports will soon have full market access to the Taiwanese market.

The news comes following the Federal Minister of International Trade's attendance at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting. 

President of the Canadian Cattle Association Nathan Phinney says this sends a strong signal in the Indo-Pacific region, an area that holds a lot of potential.

"Taiwan's move in doing this on science-based trade really sends a solid signal that there's a desire for our Canadian product worldwide. We're glad that they recognize it, we're glad that they followed the science, and today is great news. We're always looking to diversify our markets."

He notes this decision marks the removal of the last set of restrictions put into place by Taiwan after the discovery of a case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in 2003.

" The last set of restrictions to be removed was on the offal and Over 30-month cattle. Which is significant for our industry to have these last few restrictions removed."

In 2022, Canada exported $13.9 million (CDN) of beef to Taiwan.

To hear Glenda-Lee's conversation with the President of the Canadian Cattle Association Nathan Phinney click on the link below.

Audio file