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Protein Industries Canada (PIC) and Innovate UK, the UK’s national innovation agency have announced a new bilateral partnership.

The goal of the partnership is to develop greater connections between the food sectors in both countries by working together to support innovation in plant-based food and ingredients. 

CEO of Protein Industries Canada Bill Greuel says they are excited to work with Innovate UK to create new partnerships and further advance innovation in plant-based food, feed, ingredients, and co-products.

"As Canada develops our national ecosystem, we are eager to work with like-minded countries who share our commitment to growing the plant-based food sector. Doing so will help our countries improve environmental and human health, while also supporting economies of the future by creating jobs and increasing investment."

PIC and Innovate UK will make introductions between Canadian and UK companies to create partnerships that will develop new plant-based food and ingredients by leveraging each country’s respective strengths.

Companies on both sides will benefit through access to new technologies and research, access to new customers, and, ultimately, the growth of their companies.

The partnership kicked off with a webinar on June 7 that introduced UK and Canadian companies to the opportunities and benefits of creating cross-country partnerships.

A delegation of UK businesses, led by Innovate UK, will attend Protein Industries Canada’s Conference and AGM in September, where a matchmaking event will be hosted. 

That meeting will be followed by a return trip to the UK by Protein Industries Canada  and a delegation of Canadian companies later in September.