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The County of Stettler is the first to make that declaration.

A very light snowpack with no run-off combined with an early and extended heat wave and no moisture led Council to make the announcement.

In a press release from the county Reeve Larry Clarke says they've been hearing the pleas from farmers and producers and they needed to take action.

"We’re seeing exceptionally large numbers of livestock being dispersed at auction marts for this time of year and producers are contacting us to report they are out of feed, cannot afford feed, and looking ahead and realizing at this point that the probability of growing feed to support their operations is very, very slim."

Quinton Beaumont, Manager of Agricultural Operations notes that while the Alberta Government has announced some pasture programs due to the wildfire situation,  no programs for drought assistance have been announced.

"We are seeing producers putting herds out into their hay fields, with no other options at hand beyond herd dispersals."

The County of Stettler Council is using the declaration to encourage the Provincial and Federal Governments to initiate programming to assist the agricultural industry and producers. 

The County also declared an Agricultural State of Emergency in 2018 and 2021.

Alberta's Crop Report shows light and sporadic showers across the province have not been enough to boost crop conditions and soil moisture across the province. 

The report shows that the Peace Region has received the most moisture, as well as some select south west locations in the South Region while the rest of the province has reported the lowest growing conditions recorded since 2009 and 2015.

Many areas continue to report hot and dry conditions which is causing crops across the province to show signs of stress and mature quicker than normal.

Some fields are reportedly so dry that there are dormant seedlings struggling to get going, while other cereals have already produced a flag leaf as they rush into heading

Provincially, potatoes, lentils, chickpeas, and durum are rated in the best condition, while canola and barley are rated the lowest. 

Tame hay is reported to be flowering, while pasture grass is heading out and as a result is being cut for hay and silage and rotated through grazing cycles sooner than normal. 

According to the report, tame hay is rated as 39 per cent poor, compared to the ten-year average of 10 per cent, 26 per cent fair, 31per cent good, and 4 per cent excellent. 

Overall, pasture conditions are rated as 37per cent poor, 23 per cent fair, 38 per cent good and 2 per cent excellent.

To check out Alberta's latest Crop Report click here.